Source code for gecco.crf

"""Gene cluster prediction using a conditional random field.

import csv
import copy
import functools
import hashlib
import itertools
import io
import math
import numbers
import operator
import os
import pickle
import random
import textwrap
import typing
import warnings
from typing import (

import numpy
import tqdm
import sklearn_crfsuite
import sklearn.model_selection
import sklearn.preprocessing

from .._meta import sliding_window
from ..model import Gene
from . import features
from .cv import LeaveOneGroupOut
from .select import fisher_significance

    from importlib.resources import files
except ImportError:
    from importlib_resources import files  # type: ignore

__all__ = ["ClusterCRF"]

[docs]class ClusterCRF(object): """A wrapper for `sklearn_crfsuite.CRF` to work with the GECCO data model. """ _FILENAME = "model.pkl"
[docs] @classmethod def trained(cls, model_path: Optional[str] = None) -> "ClusterCRF": """Create a new pre-trained `ClusterCRF` instance from a model path. Arguments: model_path (`str`, optional): The path to the model directory obtained with the ``gecco train`` command. If `None` given, use the embedded model. Returns: `~gecco.crf.ClusterCRF`: A CRF model that can be used to perform predictions without training first. Raises: `ValueError`: If the model data does not match its hash. """ # get the path to the pickled model and read its signature file if model_path is not None: pkl_file: ContextManager[BinaryIO] = open(os.path.join(model_path, cls._FILENAME), "rb") md5_file: ContextManager[TextIO] = open(os.path.join(model_path, f"{cls._FILENAME}.md5")) else: pkl_file = files(__name__).joinpath(cls._FILENAME).open("rb") md5_file = files(__name__).joinpath(f"{cls._FILENAME}.md5").open() with md5_file as sig: signature = # check the file content matches its MD5 hashsum hasher = hashlib.md5() with pkl_file as bin: read = functools.partial(, io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) for chunk in iter(read, b""): hasher.update(typing.cast(bytes, chunk)) if hasher.hexdigest().upper() != signature.upper(): raise ValueError("MD5 hash of model data does not match signature") # type: ignore return pickle.load(bin) # type: ignore
[docs] def __init__( self, feature_type: str = "protein", algorithm: str = "lbfgs", window_size: int = 5, window_step: int = 1, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Create a new `ClusterCRF` instance. Arguments: feature_type (`str`): Defines how features should be extracted. Should be either *domain* or *protein*. algorithm (`str`): The optimization algorithm for the model. See for available values. window_size (`int`): The size of the sliding window to use when training and predicting probabilities on sequences of genes. window_step (`int`): The step between consecutive sliding windows to use when training and predicting probabilities on sequences of genes. Any additional keyword argument is passed as-is to the internal `~sklearn_crfsuite.CRF` constructor. Raises: `ValueError`: if ``feature_type`` has an invalid value. `TypeError`: if one of the ``*_columns`` argument is not iterable. """ if feature_type not in {"protein", "domain"}: raise ValueError(f"invalid feature type: {feature_type!r}") if window_size <= 0: raise ValueError("Window size must be strictly positive") if window_step <= 0 or window_step > window_size: raise ValueError("Window step must be strictly positive and under `window_size`") self.feature_type = feature_type self.window_size = window_size self.window_step = window_step self.algorithm = algorithm self.significance: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None self.significant_features: Optional[FrozenSet[str]] = None self.model = None self._options = {"algorithm": algorithm, **kwargs}
[docs] def predict_probabilities( self, genes: Iterable[Gene], *, pad: bool = True, progress: Optional[Callable[[int, int], None]] = None, ) -> List[Gene]: """Predict how likely each given gene is part of a gene cluster. Arguments: genes (iterable of `~gecco.model.Gene`): The genes to compute probabilities for. Keyword Arguments: batch_size (`int`): The number of samples to load per batch. *Ignored, always 1 with the CRF.* pad (`bool`): Whether to pad sequences too small for a single window. Setting this to `False` will skip probability prediction entirely for sequences smaller than the window size. progress (callable): A callable that accepts two `int`, the current batch index and the total number of batches. Returns: `list` of `~gecco.model.Gene`: A list of new `Gene` objects with their probability set. Raises: `~sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError`: When calling this method on an object that has not been fitted yet. """ # silence progress if no callback given, ignored _progress = progress or (lambda x,y: None) window_index = 0 # check that the model was trained if self.model is None: raise NotFittedError("This ClusterCRF instance is not fitted yet.") # select the feature extraction method if self.feature_type == "protein": extract_features = features.extract_features_protein annotate_probabilities = features.annotate_probabilities_protein elif self.feature_type == "domain": extract_features = features.extract_features_domain annotate_probabilities = features.annotate_probabilities_domain else: raise ValueError(f"invalid feature type: {self.feature_type!r}") # sort genes by sequence id and domains inside genes by coordinate genes = sorted(genes, key=operator.attrgetter("", "start")) for gene in genes:"start")) # group genes by contigs contigs = {} for contig_id, group in itertools.groupby(genes, key=operator.attrgetter("")): contigs[contig_id] = list(group) # extract features from all contigs contig_features = {} deltas = {} for contig_id, contig in contigs.items(): # extract features feats: List[Dict[str, bool]] = extract_features(contig) deltas[contig_id] = 0 # ignore sequences too small with a warning if len(feats) < self.window_size: if pad: unit = self.feature_type if self.window_size - len(feats) == 1 else f"{self.feature_type}s" warnings.warn( f"Contig {contig[0]!r} does not contain enough" f" {self.feature_type}s ({len(contig)}) for sliding window" f" of size {self.window_size}, padding with" f" {self.window_size - len(feats)} {unit}" ) # insert empty features as padding on both ends deltas[contig_id] = delta = self.window_size - len(feats) feats = [{} for _ in range(delta // 2)] + feats + [{} for _ in range((delta+1)//2)] else: warnings.warn( f"Contig {contig[0]!r} does not contain enough" f" {self.feature_type}s ({len(contig)}) for sliding window" f" of size {self.window_size}" ) continue # store features for the current contig contig_features[contig_id] = feats # compute total number of windows to process total = sum(len(feats) - self.window_size + 1 for feats in contig_features.values()) _progress(window_index, total) # predict probabilities predicted = [] for contig_id, contig in contigs.items(): # get features if the sequence was not skipped if contig_id not in contig_features: predicted.extend(contig) continue feats = contig_features[contig_id] # predict marginals over a sliding window, storing maximum probabilities probabilities = numpy.zeros(max(len(contig), self.window_size)) for win in sliding_window(len(feats), self.window_size, self.window_step): marginals = [p['1'] for p in self.model.predict_marginals_single(feats[win])] numpy.maximum(probabilities[win], marginals, out=probabilities[win]) window_index += 1 _progress(window_index, total) # label genes with maximal probabilities predicted.extend(annotate_probabilities(contig, probabilities[deltas[contig_id]//2:][:len(contig)])) # label domains with their biosynthetic weight according to the CRF state weights predicted = [ gene.with_protein(gene.protein.with_domains( domain.with_cluster_weight( self.model.state_features_.get((, '1')) ) for domain in )) for gene in predicted ] # return the genes that were passed as input but now having # gene cluster probabilities return predicted
[docs] def fit( self, genes: Iterable[Gene], *, select: Optional[float] = None, shuffle: bool = True, cpus: Optional[int] = None, correction_method: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Fit the CRF model to the given training data. Arguments: genes (iterable of `~gecco.model.Gene`): The genes to extract domains from for training the CRF. select (`float`, *optional*): The fraction of features to select based on Fisher-tested significance. Leave as `None` to skip feature selection. shuffle (`bool`): Whether or not to shuffle the contigs after having grouped the genes together. correction_method (`str`, *optional*): The correction method to use for correcting p-values used for feature selection. Ignored if ``select`` is `False`. """ _cpus = os.cpu_count() if not cpus else cpus # select the feature extraction method if self.feature_type == "protein": extract_features = features.extract_features_protein extract_labels = features.extract_labels_protein elif self.feature_type == "domain": extract_features = features.extract_features_domain extract_labels = features.extract_labels_domain else: raise ValueError(f"invalid feature type: {self.feature_type!r}") # sort genes by sequence id and domains inside genes by coordinate genes = sorted(genes, key=operator.attrgetter("")) for gene in genes:"start")) # perform feature selection if select is not None: if select <= 0 or select > 1: raise ValueError(f"invalid value for select: {select}") # find most significant features self.significance = sig = fisher_significance( (gene.protein for gene in genes), correction_method=correction_method, ) sorted_sig = sorted(sig, key=sig.get)[:int(select*len(sig))] # type: ignore self.significant_features = frozenset(sorted_sig) # check that we don't select "random" domains if sig[sorted_sig[-1]] == 1.0: warnings.warn( "Selected features still include domains with a p-value " "of 1, consider reducing the selected fraction.", UserWarning ) # remove non significant domains genes = [ gene.with_protein( gene.protein.with_domains([ domain for domain in if in self.significant_features ]) ) for gene in genes ] # group input genes by sequence groups = itertools.groupby(genes, key=operator.attrgetter("")) sequences = [sorted(group, key=operator.attrgetter("start")) for _, group in groups] # shuffle sequences if requested if shuffle: random.shuffle(sequences) # build training instances training_features, training_labels = [], [] for sequence in sequences: # extract features and labels feats: List[Dict[str, bool]] = extract_features(sequence) labels: List[str] = extract_labels(sequence) if all(label == "0" for label in labels): raise ValueError(f"only negative labels found in sequence {sequence[0]!r}") elif all(label == "1" for label in labels): raise ValueError(f"only positive labels found in sequence {sequence[0]!r}") # check we have as many observations as we have labels if len(feats) != len(labels): raise ValueError("different number of features and labels found, something is wrong") # check we have enough genes for the desired sliding window if len(feats) < self.window_size: raise ValueError(f"{sequence[0]!r} has not enough observations ({len(feats)}) for requested window size ({self.window_size})") # record every window in the sequence for win in sliding_window(len(feats), self.window_size, self.window_step): training_features.append(feats[win]) training_labels.append(labels[win]) # fit the model self.model = model = sklearn_crfsuite.CRF(**self._options), training_labels)
[docs] def save(self, model_path: "os.PathLike[str]") -> None: """Save the `ClusterCRF` to an on-disk location. Models serialized at a given location can be later loaded from that same location using the `ClusterCRF.trained` class method. Arguments: model_path (`str`): The path to the directory where to write the model files. """ # pickle the CRF model model_out = os.path.join(model_path, self._FILENAME) with open(model_out, "wb") as out: pickle.dump(self, out, protocol=4) # compute a checksum for the pickled model hasher = hashlib.md5() with open(model_out, "rb") as out: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hasher.update(chunk) # write the checksum next to the pickled file with open(f"{model_out}.md5", "w") as out_hash: out_hash.write(hasher.hexdigest())