Source code for gecco.orf

"""Generic protocol for ORF detection in DNA sequences.

import abc
import io
import itertools
import os
import queue
import tempfile
import typing
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool, ThreadPool
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import Bio.SeqIO
import pyrodigal
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord

from .model import Gene, Protein, Strand

__all__ = ["ORFFinder", "PyrodigalFinder"]

[docs]class ORFFinder(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """An abstract base class to provide a generic ORF finder. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def find_genes( # type: ignore self, records: Iterable[SeqRecord], progress: Optional[Callable[[SeqRecord, int], None]] = None, ) -> Iterable[Gene]: """Find all genes from a DNA sequence. """ return NotImplemented
[docs]class PyrodigalFinder(ORFFinder): """An `ORFFinder` that uses the Pyrodigal bindings to Prodigal. Prodigal is a fast and reliable protein-coding gene prediction for prokaryotic genomes, with support for draft genomes and metagenomes. See Also: `Doug Hyatt, Gwo-Liang Chen, Philip F. LoCascio, Miriam L. Land, Frank W. Larimer and Loren J. Hauser. "Prodigal: Prokaryotic Gene Recognition and Translation Initiation Site Identification", BMC Bioinformatics 11 (8 March 2010), p119 <>`_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, metagenome: bool = True, mask: bool = False, cpus: int = 0) -> None: """Create a new `PyrodigalFinder` instance. Arguments: metagenome (bool): Whether or not to run Prodigal in metagenome mode, defaults to `True`. mask (bool): Whether or not to mask genes running across regions containing unknown nucleotides, defaults to `False`. cpus (int): The number of threads to use to run Pyrodigal in parallel. Pass ``0`` to use the number of CPUs on the machine. """ super().__init__() self.metagenome = metagenome self.mask = mask self.cpus = cpus self.orf_finder = pyrodigal.GeneFinder(meta=metagenome, mask=mask)
def _train(self, records: Iterable[SeqRecord]) -> pyrodigal.TrainingInfo: sequences = [] for i, record in enumerate(records): if i > 0: sequences.append("TTAATTAATTAA") sequences.append(str(record.seq)) if len(sequences) > 1: sequences.append("TTAATTAATTAA") return self.orf_finder.train("".join(sequences)) def _process_record(self, record: SeqRecord) -> Tuple[SeqRecord, pyrodigal.Genes]: return record, self.orf_finder.find_genes(str(record.seq))
[docs] def find_genes( self, records: Iterable[SeqRecord], progress: Optional[Callable[[SeqRecord, int], None]] = None, *, pool_factory: Union[Type[Pool], Callable[[Optional[int]], Pool]] = ThreadPool, ) -> Iterator[Gene]: """Find all genes contained in a sequence of DNA records. Arguments: records (iterable of `~Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord`): An iterable of DNA records in which to find genes. progress (callable, optional): A progress callback of signature ``progress(record, total)`` that will be called everytime a record has been processed successfully, with ``record`` being the `~Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord` instance, and ``total`` being the total number of records to process. Keyword Arguments: pool_factory (`type`): The callable for creating pools, defaults to the `multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool` class, but `multiprocessing.pool.Pool` is also supported. Yields: `~gecco.model.Gene`: An iterator over all the genes found in the given records. """ # detect the number of CPUs _cpus = self.cpus if self.cpus > 0 else os.cpu_count() _progress = (lambda x,y: None) if progress is None else progress # train first if needed if not self.metagenome: records = list(records) self._train(records) # run in parallel using a pool with pool_factory(_cpus) as pool: for record, orfs in pool.imap(self._process_record, records): _progress(record, len(orfs)) for j, orf in enumerate(orfs): # wrap the protein into a Protein object prot_seq = Seq(orf.translate()) protein = Protein(id=f"{}_{j+1}", seq=prot_seq) # wrap the gene into a Gene yield Gene( source=record, start=min(orf.begin, orf.end), end=max(orf.begin, orf.end), strand=Strand(orf.strand), protein=protein, qualifiers={ "inference": [f"ab initio prediction:Pyrodigal:{pyrodigal.__version__}"], "transl_table": [str(orf.translation_table)], } )
class CDSFinder(ORFFinder): """An `ORFFinder` that simply extracts CDS annotations from records. """ def __init__( self, feature: str = "CDS", translation_table: int = 11, locus_tag: str = "locus_tag", ): self.feature = feature self.translation_table = translation_table self.locus_tag = locus_tag def find_genes( self, records: Iterable[SeqRecord], progress: Optional[Callable[[SeqRecord, int], None]] = None, ) -> Iterator[Gene]: """Find all genes contained in a sequence of DNA records. """ ids = set() _progress = (lambda x,y: None) if progress is None else progress for record in records: genes_found = 0 features = filter(lambda feat: feat.type == self.feature, record.features) for i, feature in enumerate(features): # get the gene translation tt = feature.qualifiers.get("transl_table", [self.translation_table])[0] if "translation" in feature.qualifiers: prot_seq = Seq(feature.qualifiers["translation"][0]) else: prot_seq = feature.location.extract(record.seq).translate(table=tt) # get the gene name if self.locus_tag in feature.qualifiers: protein = Protein(id=feature.qualifiers[self.locus_tag][0], seq=prot_seq) else: protein = Protein(id=f"{}_{i+1}", seq=prot_seq) # check IDs are unique if in ids: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate gene identifier found in {!r}: {!r}") ids.add( # wrap the gene into a Gene yield Gene( source=record, start=feature.location.start + 1, end=feature.location.end, strand=Strand(feature.location.strand), protein=protein, ) genes_found += 1 _progress(record, genes_found)