Source code for gecco.refine

"""Algorithm to smooth contiguous gene cluster predictions into single regions.

import itertools
import functools
import operator
import typing
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Iterator

import numpy
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord

from .model import Cluster, Domain, Gene, Protein, Strand

__all__ = ["BIO_PFAMS", "GeneGrouper", "ClusterRefiner"]

# fmt: off
# `set` of `str`: A set of domains from Pfam considered 'biosynthetic' by AntiSMASH.
BIO_PFAMS = frozenset({
    "PF00109", "PF02801", "PF08659", "PF00378", "PF08541", "PF08545",
    "PF02803", "PF00108", "PF02706", "PF03364", "PF08990", "PF00501",
    "PF00668", "PF08415", "PF00975", "PF03061", "PF00432", "PF00494",
    "PF03936", "PF01397", "PF00432", "PF04275", "PF00348", "PF02401",
    "PF04551", "PF00368", "PF00534", "PF00535", "PF02922", "PF01041",
    "PF00128", "PF00908", "PF02719", "PF04321", "PF01943", "PF02806",
    "PF02350", "PF02397", "PF04932", "PF01075", "PF00953", "PF01050",
    "PF03033", "PF01501", "PF05159", "PF04101", "PF02563", "PF08437",
    "PF02585", "PF01721", "PF02052", "PF02674", "PF03515", "PF04369",
    "PF08109", "PF08129", "PF09221", "PF09683", "PF10439", "PF11420",
    "PF11632", "PF11758", "PF12173", "PF04738", "PF04737", "PF04604",
    "PF05147", "PF08109", "PF08129", "PF08130", "PF00155", "PF00202",
    "PF00702", "PF06339", "PF04183", "PF10331", "PF03756", "PF00106",
    "PF01370", "PF00107", "PF08240", "PF00441", "PF02770", "PF02771",
    "PF08028", "PF01408", "PF02894", "PF00984", "PF00725", "PF03720",
    "PF03721", "PF07993", "PF02737", "PF00903", "PF00037", "PF04055",
    "PF00171", "PF00067", "PF01266", "PF01118", "PF02668", "PF00248",
    "PF01494", "PF01593", "PF03992", "PF00355", "PF01243", "PF00384",
    "PF01488", "PF00857", "PF04879", "PF08241", "PF08242", "PF00698",
    "PF00483", "PF00561", "PF00583", "PF01636", "PF01039", "PF00288",
    "PF00289", "PF02786", "PF01757", "PF02785", "PF02409", "PF01553",
    "PF02348", "PF00891", "PF01596", "PF04820", "PF02522", "PF08484",

class GeneGrouper:
    """A callable to group genes under or over a probability threshold.

    Use with a list of genes in combination with `itertools.groupby`.

    def __init__(self, threshold: float):  # noqa: D102, D107
        self.in_cluster = False
        self.threshold = threshold

    def __call__(self, gene: Gene) -> bool:  # noqa: D102
        if gene.average_probability is not None:
            self.in_cluster = gene.average_probability > self.threshold
        return self.in_cluster

[docs]class ClusterRefiner: """A post-processor to extract contiguous clusters from CRF predictions. """
[docs] def __init__( self, threshold: float = 0.8, criterion: str = "gecco", n_cds: int = 5, n_biopfams: int = 5, average_threshold: float = 0.6, edge_distance: int = 0, ) -> None: """Create a new `ClusterRefiner` instance. Arguments: threshold (`float`): The probability threshold to use to consider a protein to be part of a gene cluster. criterion (`str`): The criterion to use when checking for cluster validity. n_cds (`int`): The minimum number of genes a gene cluster must contain to be considered valid. If ``criterion`` is ``gecco``, then this is the minimum number of **annotated** CDS. n_biopfams (`int`): The minimum number of biosynthetic Pfam domains a gene cluster must contain to be considered valid (*only when the criterion is* ``antismash``). average_threshold (`int`): The average probability threshold to use to consider a gene cluster valid (*only when the criterion is* ``antismash``). edge_distance (`int`): The minimum distance from the edge the gene cluster must be located (it may start at an edge, but must span for longer than ``edge_distance``), in number of annotated genes (*only when the criterion is* ``gecco``). """ self.threshold = threshold self.criterion = criterion self.n_cds = n_cds self.n_biopfams = n_biopfams self.average_threshold = average_threshold self.edge_distance = edge_distance
[docs] def iter_clusters(self, genes: List[Gene]) -> Iterator[Cluster]: """Find all clusters in a table of CRF predictions. Arguments: genes (`list` of `~gecco.model.Gene`): A list of genes with probability annotations estimated by `~gecco.crf.ClusterCRF`. Yields: `gecco.model.Cluster`: Valid clusters found in the input with respect to the postprocessing criterion given at initialisation. """ for seq, cluster in self._iter_clusters(genes): trimmed = self._trim_cluster(cluster) if self._validate_cluster(seq, cluster): yield cluster
# # unfiltered_clusters = map(self._trim_cluster, self._iter_clusters(genes)) # return filter(self._validate_cluster, unfiltered_clusters) def _validate_cluster(self, seq: List[Gene], cluster: Cluster) -> bool: """Check a cluster validity depending on the postprocessing criterion. """ if self.criterion == "gecco": # check that the number of cluster genes that are outside of # the edge region is above the number of required CDS annotated = [g for g in cluster.genes if] cds_crit = len(annotated) >= self.n_cds # extract IDs of annotated genes that are too close to the edge if self.edge_distance > 0: annotated_ids = [ for g in seq if] edge_genes = set(annotated_ids[:self.edge_distance]).union(annotated_ids[-self.edge_distance:]) else: edge_genes = set() # NOTE (@althonos): it is needed for compatibility with the post-processed results # that we filter on any number of cluster genes, but it would be # better to filter on the number of annotated cluster genes instead. edge_crit = len(set( for g in cluster.genes).difference(edge_genes)) >= self.n_cds return cds_crit and edge_crit elif self.criterion == "antismash": domains = { for gene in cluster.genes for d in} p_crit = numpy.mean([typing.cast(float, g.average_probability) for g in cluster.genes]) >= self.average_threshold bio_crit = len(domains & BIO_PFAMS) >= self.n_biopfams cds_crit = len(cluster.genes) >= self.n_cds return p_crit and bio_crit and cds_crit else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown cluster filtering criterion: {self.criterion}") def _trim_cluster(self, cluster: Cluster) -> Cluster: """Remove unannotated proteins from the cluster edges. """ while cluster.genes and not cluster.genes[0] cluster.genes.pop(0) while cluster.genes and not cluster.genes[-1] cluster.genes.pop() return cluster def _iter_clusters( self, genes: List[Gene], ) -> Iterator[Tuple[List[Gene], Cluster]]: """Iterate over contiguous cluster segments from a list of genes. """ grouper = GeneGrouper(self.threshold) key = operator.attrgetter("") # iterate over the genes grouped by sequence ids for seq_id, sequence in itertools.groupby(sorted(genes, key=key), key=key): # sort genes within the same sequence by coordinates seqsort = sorted(sequence, key=operator.attrgetter("start", "end")) # group contiguous genes if they are over or under the threshold groups = itertools.groupby(seqsort, key=grouper) # filter out regions that are not identified to be clusters clusters = (genes for in_cluster, genes in groups if in_cluster) for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters): yield seqsort, Cluster(id=f"{seq_id}_cluster_{i+1}", genes=list(cluster))